Jelica Ristić:元宇宙视域下的未来教师丨GSE2022学生论坛


Jelica Ristić,贝尔格莱德大学教师教育学院博士生(塞尔维亚)


塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学Jelica Ristić认为,新冠疫情中,学生的身份认同障碍,以及师生在适应快速发展的数字化学习环境中的困境是需要关注的危机。Jelica Ristić指出,混合学习环境和教师培训服务是克服该危机的解决方案之一。贝尔格莱德大学以翻转课堂形式进行的混合式学习实践证明了其在提升学习体验、增强师生互动、提高学习效果方面的重要作用。另外,她和团队基于Edmodo学习平台设计了一个元宇宙应用技能提升方案,帮助教师在元宇宙中进行日常教学、在线教学和混合教学。


Jelica Ristić  (Serbia),Ph.D. student, University of Belgrade

Jelica Ristić from the University of Belgrade recalled that during the COVID-19 pandemic, students' obstacles to self-identity and teachers and students' inability to adapt to the rapidly developing digital learning environment are the crises that we must pay attention to. A blended learning environment and teacher training services are one of the solutions to overcome the crisis. The blended learning environment carried out by the University of Belgrade in the form of Flipped Class Model had proved its important role in improving the learning experience, enhancing the interaction between teachers and students, and improving the overall learning. Based on the Edmodo learning platform, she and her team designed a Metaverse Application Skills Improvement Program to help teachers conduct daily teaching, online teaching and B-teaching in the metaverse.
