



陈星安认为,残障人士缺乏无障碍的学习资源和公平的就业机会是实现全纳教育的障碍之一。作为视障人士,他从小就被认为无法进入大学、无法拥有好工作,所以在小学和中学都受到了很多限制。他提出了三种解决方案,即社区支持、在线学习课程和政企合作,以此来促进残障学生的正规学习和职业发展。在社区支持下,残障人士可以参加针对性社交活动;在线上课程中,残障人士可以提升自我意识,明晰自我价值;在政企合作中,残障人士可以进入公共事业单位和跨国公司实习。 他希望未来的教育可以让每个残障人士拥有接触优质学习资源的机会和就业机会。


CHEN Xingan (China), Undergraduate student, Diablo Valley College, USA

CHEN Xing'an held that the lack of barrier-free learning resources and fair employment opportunities for disabled people was one of the crises in achieving inclusive education. As a visually impaired person, he was considered unable to enter a university or have a good job from an early age. He faced many restrictions in primary and middle school stages. He proposed three solutions—community support, online learning programs and public-private partnerships programs to promote the formal learning and career development of the disabled. With community support, disabled people could participate in given social activities. In online learning programs, disabled people could improve their self-awareness and self-worth. In public-private partnerships programs, disabled people could join public institutions and multinational companies as interns. He expects that future education will enable every disabled people to have access to high-quality learning resources and employment opportunities.
